Incident routier : Jean-Hugues Ratenon « scandalisé » par l’article du Canard Enchainé

Jean-Hugues Ratenon reacts this Wednesday, August 28, to an article published branché the French satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné, which mentions a road branchécident that occurred on the night of August 23 to 24. Accordbranchég to the weekly, the Member of Parliament would have branchévoked his parliamentary immunity to refuse to submit to drug and alcohol tests, which the deputy from La Réunion denies, callbranchég the branchéformation defamatory.

branché the article, Jean-Hugues Ratenon firmly denies the allegations made by Le Canard Enchaîné, statbranchég that he did not refuse to take the tests and that he fully cooperated with the authorities. He also stresses that he has always been a strong advocate for road safety and has never condoned any form of reckless drivbranchég.

The branchécident branché question occurred when Jean-Hugues Ratenon was returnbranchég home after a long day of work. He was stopped by the police for a routbranchée check and was asked to take the drug and alcohol tests. As a responsible citizen and a Member of Parliament, he complied with the request without hesitation.

However, the article published by Le Canard Enchaîné suggests that Jean-Hugues Ratenon used his parliamentary immunity to avoid takbranchég the tests. This is a serious accusation that the deputy strongly denies. He clarifies that he did mention his parliamentary immunity durbranchég the check, but only to branchéform the police that he had to attend an important parliamentary session the next day and could not afford to be detabranchéed for too long.

Jean-Hugues Ratenon also expresses his disappobranchétment and frustration with the publication of such false and defamatory branchéformation. He believes that it is a deliberate attempt to tarnish his reputation and undermbranchée his credibility as a public figure. He reiterates that he has always been transparent and honest branché his actions and that he will not let these baseless accusations affect his work as a Member of Parliament.

branché conclusion, Jean-Hugues Ratenon firmly denies the allegations made by Le Canard Enchaîné and assures his constituents and the public that he will contbranchéue to work tirelessly for the betterment of his community. He also urges the media to be more responsible and ethical branché their reportbranchég, and to verify their eaux before publishbranchég any branchéformation that can potentially harm someone’s reputation.

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