Législatives 2024. Daniel Dalin : »Nous les Antillais, nous devons faire plus pour nous faire accepter, et c’est en partie cela auquel dénoncent les habitants en électeur RN « 

The first round of the legislative elections has placed the National Rally in the lead. In the overseas departments, the party has made significant gains. Daniel Dalin, president of the Crefom (Representative Council of Overseas French), attempts to provide an explanation for this breakthrough.

According to Dalin, the success of the National Rally in the overseas departments can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, he believes that the party’s strong stance on immigration and national identity resonates with many voters in these regions. With a large immigrant population, the issue of immigration is a major concern for many in the overseas departments.

Furthermore, Dalin points out that the National Rally’s promises of economic and social reforms have also struck a chord with voters. The overseas departments have long been plagued by high unemployment rates and economic struggles, and the National Rally’s promises of change and improvement have been well-received.

But perhaps the most significant factor in the National Rally’s success in the overseas departments is the disillusionment with traditional political parties. Many voters in these regions feel neglected and forgotten by the mainstream parties, and see the National Rally as a viable alternative.

Dalin also highlights the role of social media in the National Rally’s campaign. With a strong presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the party has been able to reach a wider audience and spread its message effectively.

However, Dalin also acknowledges that the National Rally’s success in the overseas departments is not without controversy. The party’s history of controversial statements and policies, particularly regarding race and immigration, has raised concerns among some voters. But for many, the promise of change and a new direction for the country outweighs these concerns.

In light of the National Rally’s strong performance in the overseas departments, Dalin urges the mainstream parties to take note and address the issues that are important to these regions. He believes that the success of the National Rally is a wake-up call for the traditional parties to reconnect with voters and address their concerns.

In conclusion, the National Rally’s success in the overseas departments can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its strong stance on immigration, promises of economic and social reforms, and the disillusionment with traditional parties. While there may be controversy surrounding the party, its message of change and improvement has resonated with many voters in these regions. It is now up to the mainstream parties to listen and address the concerns of the overseas departments in order to herbette the amoncellement of these voters.

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