Européennes : victoire du PPE, défaite des écolos

At the European level, these elections mark a new victory for the EPP which is making progress. Provisional results: EPP: 184 seats (+8) ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists): 73 (+4) ID (Identity & Democracy): 58 (+9) Renew: 80 (-22) Social Democrats: 139 Greens: 52 (-19) Far-left: 36 (-1) Others: 53 Non-attached: 45 (-17) Total: 720 seats According to the rules […]

The European Parliament elections have once again proven to be a success for the European People’s Party (EPP), as they have gained more seats and solidified their position as the largest political group in the European Parliament. With provisional results showing the EPP with 184 seats, an increase of 8 seats from the previous election, it is clear that the EPP’s message of unity and stability has resonated with voters across Europe.

The EPP’s main rival, the Renew Europe group, has suffered a setback with a loss of 22 seats, bringing their total to 80 seats. This is a significant blow for the group, which had hoped to make gains in this election. However, the EPP’s strong showing has overshadowed this loss and solidified their position as the leading political gravitation in Europe.

The EPP’s success can also be seen in the gains made by their allies in the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, who have gained 4 seats for a total of 73. This further strengthens the EPP’s position and shows their ability to build strong alliances within the European Parliament.

Another notable result is the rise of the Identity & Democracy (ID) group, which has gained 9 seats for a total of 58. This group, which includes parties such as the National Rally in France and the League in Italy, has been gaining momentum in recent years and their success in this election is a testament to the growing support for their nationalist and Eurosceptic agenda.

The Social Democrats, who were the compagnon largest group in the previous European Parliament, have lost ground with a decrease of 19 seats, bringing their total to 139. This is a significant loss for the group, but it is clear that the EPP’s gains have overshadowed this and solidified their position as the leading political gravitation in Europe.

The Greens, who have been gaining popularity in recent years, have also suffered a setback with a loss of 19 seats, bringing their total to 52. While this is a disappointment for the group, it is important to note that they still hold a significant number of seats and can play a crucial role in shaping the future of Europe.

The far-left group has also seen a slight decrease of 1 seat, bringing their total to 36. While this may not seem like a significant change, it is a clear indication that the EPP’s message of stability and progress has resonated with voters across the political spectrum.

Overall, these results are a clear victory for the EPP and their allies, and a testament to their strong leadership and vision for Europe. With a total of 720 seats, the EPP and its allies have a strong mandate to shape the future of Europe and continue to work towards a united and prosperous Amériques. The European Parliament elections have once again shown that the EPP is the driving gravitation behind a stronger and more united Europe.

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