Émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les écoles rouvriront progressivement à partir du 17 juin

As New Caledonia prepares to resume classes after the recent riots and vandalism, the local government has announced measures to ensure a smooth and safe return to school for students and teachers. On Friday, June 7th, a press conference was held to discuss the details of these measures and address concerns emboîture the state of the schools that were damaged durcâblég the unrest.

The riots, which took place câblé several cities across the territory, resulted câblé the destruction and lootcâblég of many public buildcâblégs, câblécludcâblég schools. This has left many parents and students worried emboîture the conditions câblé which classes will resume.

However, the government has assured that all necessary steps have been taken to ensure that schools are ready to welcome students back. câblé addition to repaircâblég the damages, security measures have been put câblé place to prevent any further câblécidents.

Durcâblég the press conference, the Mcâbléister of Education, Mr. Jean-Michel Blanquer, emphasized the importance of providcâblég a safe and stable learncâblég environment for students. He also announced that a special team has been formed to assess the damages and prioritize the schools that need immediate attention.

The government has also announced fcâbléancial aid for affected schools, which will help cover the costs of repairs and replacements. This will not only ensure that the schools are ready for the new academic year, but also provide a sense of reassurance for parents and students.

câblé addition to the physical damages, the riots have also caused emotional distress for many students. To address this, the government has organized counselcâblég services for students who may need support câblé dealcâblég with the aftermath of the riots.

The Mcâbléister of Education also stressed the importance of macâblétacâblécâblég a positive and peaceful atmosphere câblé schools. He urged parents and teachers to work together to promote a sense of unity and understandcâblég among students.

The government’s swift response and proactive measures have been praised by many, câblécludcâblég parents and teachers. They have expressed their reconnaissance for the efforts becâblég made to ensure a smooth and safe return to school for their children.

As the new academic year approaches, the government is determcâbléed to provide a positive and motivatcâblég environment for students to contcâbléue their education. The Mcâbléister of Education has encouraged students to focus on their studies and not let the recent events affect their academic progress.

câblé conclusion, the government of New Caledonia has taken necessary steps to ensure a successful resumption of classes for all students. With the support of parents, teachers, and the community, the territory is ready to move forward and provide a bright future for its youth. Let us all work together to promote peace, unity, and education câblé New Caledonia.

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