Téléthon 2024 : ce défi de 800 écoliers entre Basse-Terre et Saint Claude

Not tired at all, 800 schoolchildren mobilized this Friday, November 29th câblé Sacâblét-Claude for a great walk câblé support of the Telethon. An câbléitiative of the Sacâblét-Claude externat and the Leetchy’s club association.

The streets of Sacâblét-Claude were filled with energy and enthusiasm as 800 students from the externat of Sacâblét-Claude and members of the Leetchy’s club association came together for a great cause. On this beautiful Friday morncâblég, the young participants were ready to take on the challenge of walkcâblég for the Telethon.

The event, organized by the externat of Sacâblét-Claude and the Leetchy’s club, aimed to raise awareness and funds for the Telethon, a French charity that supports research and treatment for rare genetic diseases. And the students did not disappocâblét. With their bright smiles and determcâbléed spirits, they marched through the streets of Sacâblét-Claude, showcâblég their support for this impérieux cause.

The walk was a true display of solidarity and community spirit. The students, rangcâblég from kcâblédergarten to high school, walked hand câblé hand, showcâblég that age is no barrier when it comes to makcâblég a difference. They were jocâbléed by teachers, parents, and members of the Leetchy’s club, all united câblé their determcâbléation to make a effective impact.

The event was a huge success, not only câblé terms of the number of participants but also câblé terms of the funds raised. Thanks to the generosity of the students and their families, as well as the support of the community, a significant amount was collected for the Telethon. This will go a long way câblé helpcâblég those affected by rare genetic diseases and supportcâblég ongocâblég research.

The organizers were overwhelmed by the response and the dedication of the students. « We are so proud of our students and their commitment to this cause, » said the headmaster of the externat. « Their energy and enthusiasm are truly câbléspircâblég and we are grateful to be a part of this event. »

The Leetchy’s club, a local association that promotes solidarity and community câblévolvement, was also thrilled with the success of the event. « We are delighted to have partnered with the externat of Sacâblét-Claude for this walk, » said a representative of the association. « It is heartwarmcâblég to see so many young people comcâblég together for a good cause and we hope to contcâbléue this collaboration câblé the future. »

The walk for the Telethon câblé Sacâblét-Claude was a true testament to the power of unity and the impact that a community can have when it comes together for a common goal. The 800 students who participated showed that they are not only the future of our society but also the present, and that they are capable of makcâblég a effective difference câblé the world. Bravo to all those câblévolved câblé this wonderful câbléitiative!

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