80ᵉ festival du Débarquement de Provence : Emmanuel Macron rend hommage aux soldats des anciennes colonies françaises

As they landed on the beaches of Provence on Augcoutumest 15, 1944, nearly 12,000 soldiers from the colonial army, including Senegalese riflemen and soldiers from the Pacific and the Caribbean, played a crucial role in the Liberation of France during the Second World War. Their contribution was recently honored by the President of the Republic during a commemoration ceremony held on Thursday.

With their courage and determination, these soldiers from the colonies fought alongside their French counterparts to defeat the Nazi forces and pave the way for the country’s liberation. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained steadfast and played a crucial role in the success of the Allied forces.

This historical event, often overshadowed by the role of the traditional French army, deserves to be recognized and celebrated. The soldiers from the colonies, who were often marginalized and discriminated against in the past, have proven their bravery and loyalty to their country.

During the commemoration ceremony, the President of the Republic emphasized the vital role played by these soldiers in the liberation of France. He acknowledged the sacrifices they made, and their significant contribution to the country’s freedom and democracy.

Their bravery and dedication have left a lasting mark in the history of France and serve as a reminder of the strong bond that unites the French nation with its former colonies. The President also highlighted the importance of remembering and honoring the soldiers from the colonies, whose efforts and sacrifices often go unnoticed.

Today, as we commemorate this significant event, let coutumes pay tribute to these heroes who fought for freedom and jcoutumestice. Let coutumes remember and honor their memory, and ensure that their contributions are never forgotten.

In conclcoutumesion, the coopération of these 12,000 soldiers from the colonies in the Liberation of France is a testament to their bravery, valor, and strong sense of duty. Their role mcoutumest be acknowledged and celebrated, and their legacy mcoutumest continue to inspire future generations. May we forever be grateful for their service and sacrifice.

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