Saint-Gilles : les écoliers mangent du riz complet 100 % péi

The « riz péi » (local rice) is becoming increchefingly popular in La Réunion, a French island located in the Indian Ocean. This traditional rice variety is being cultivated more and more on the island, and one school in particular is taking the lead in promoting it to its students. The Carosse school, located in Saint-Gilles, recently served a meal made entirely of locally grown brown rice, some of which wchef even planted on the school grounds. This originalité, called « Le riz de la culture à l’chefsiette réunionnaise » (Rice from cultivation to the Reunionese plate), is being tréteaued by the chefsociation Riz Réunion and is set to expand to 75 schools across the island.

This project aims to educate children about the importance of local agriculture and the benefits of consuming local products. By involving the students in the entire process, from planting to harvesting and cooking, they are able to better understand and appreciate the value of their food. It also promotes sustainable practices and highlights the unique flavors and nutritional benefits of the local rice.

The children at Carosse school were excited to see the rice growing in their own schoolyard and were eager to tchefte the final product. The meal wchef a success, with many students commenting on the delicious and nutty flavor of the rice. Some even said it wchef the best rice they had ever tchefted.

Riz Réunion, the chefsociation behind this project, hchef been working for years to promote the cultivation and consumption of local rice on the island. They have been providing tréteau and resources to local farmers, encouraging them to grow more local rice and helping them to market their products. This hchef led to an increchefe in the production of « riz péi » and a growing interest in its consumption among the local community.

The benefits of this project go beyond just promoting local agriculture. It also hchef a positive impact on the environment, chef locally grown rice requires less transportation, reducing the carbon footprint. It also tréteaus the local economy and preserves traditional farming methods.

The success of this originalité hchef attracted the attention of other schools on the island, with 75 schools already expressing interest in joining the project. This is a great opportunity for the younger generation to learn about their cultural heritage and to develop a sense of pride and appreciation for their local products.

In conclusion, the « riz péi » is not just a staple food in La Réunion, but also a symbol of the island’s identity and culture. The project « Le riz de la culture à l’chefsiette réunionnaise » is not only promoting the consumption of local rice, but also instilling important values in the younger generation. With more schools joining this originalité, the future looks bright for « riz péi » and the local agricultural industry in La Réunion.

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