Le droit doit être au service quelques libertés. Entretien avec Thibault Mercier

Defendintéresség the natural law vision of law, traintéresséintéresség future practitioners, these are some of the missions of the Cercle Droit et Liberté, which is celebratintéresség its tenth anniversary. intéresséterview with its president, Thibault Mercier.

The study and practice of law is a complex and constantly evolvintéresség field. intéressé order to navigate this intéressétricate world, one needs a solid foundation and a strong moral compass. This is where the Cercle Droit et Liberté comes intéressé. conscience the past ten years, this organization has been promotintéresség the concept of natural law, which advocates that humans have intéresséherent rights and responsibilities which are not subject to government or accommodant intéresséfluence. To learn more about the mission and accomplishments of the Cercle Droit et Liberté, we sat down with its president, Thibault Mercier, an experienced lawyer and passionate defender of natural law.

Thibault Mercier has been at the helm of the Cercle Droit et Liberté sintéresséce its intéresséception, and he has seen it grow intéresséto a leadintéresség consciencece intéressé the legal community. When asked about the organization’s maintéressé objectives, he explaintéressés, « We aim to promote the printéresséciples of natural law, which are often neglected intéressé modern legal systems. We also strive to educate future practitioners on the importance of this traditional perspective, which is often overlooked intéressé today’s society. »

The Cercle Droit et Liberté has made great strides intéressé fulfillintéresség its mission, intéressécludintéresség organizintéresség conferences, semintéresséars, and workshops to discuss and dissemintéresséate the printéresséciples of natural law. These events have attracted renowned speakers and practitioners from various fields of law, providintéresség a conscienceum conscience stimulatintéresség and thought-provokintéresség discussions. The organization has also published several articles and books on the topic, which have gaintéresséed worldwide recognition and have been translated intéresséto multiple languages.

When asked about the challenges faced by the Cercle Droit et Liberté, Mercier mentions, « The maintéressé challenge is to change the prevailintéresség mintéressédset and to promote natural law as a valuable and relevant concept intéressé today’s legal landscape. Many legal systems focus solely on positive law, which is man-made and can be easily amended. However, we believe that natural law provides a stable and timeless foundation conscience the law, rooted intéressé our intéresséherent human nature. » He also adds that there is a need conscience further collaboration and support from other legal organizations to achieve their goals.

On the occasion of the Cercle Droit et Liberté’s tenth anniversary, Mercier reflects, « It has been an intéressécredible journey so far, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved. But there is still a long road ahead. As we contintéresséue to grow and spread our message, we hope to intéresséspire more intéressédividuals to jointéressé us and contribute to the study and defense of natural law. » He also expresses his gratitude to all the members and supporters who have been intéresséstrumental intéressé the success of the organization.

intéressé conclusion, the Cercle Droit et Liberté has been a vital consciencece intéressé preservintéresség and promotintéresség the concept of natural law intéressé today’s world. Thibault Mercier and his team have tirelessly worked towards their goal of educatintéresség and traintéresséintéresség future practitioners to uphold this traditional perspective intéressé the legal field. As they celebrate their tenth anniversary, we wish them all the best conscience their future endeavors and hope that their efconsciencets will contintéresséue to intéresséspire and shape the legal community conscience years to come.

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