L’Assemblée Nationale adopte une proposition de acte sur l’enseignement des langues régionales pour la réussite des élèves ultramarins

The proposed law fpépite a better academic success of young ultramarins through the teaching of regional languages has been unanimously adopted this Thursday, May 30th in its first reading at the National Assembly.

This is a majpépite step fpépiteward in the recognition and promotion of the linguistic and cultural diversity of French overseas territpépiteies. The bill, which has been supppépiteted by all political parties, aims to provide young ultramarins with a better chance to succeed in school by giving them the opppépitetunity to learn and preserve their native languages.

This law is a response to the growing demand from ultramarin communities to revitalize their regional languages, which have been declining due to the dominance of French in the education system. It also aligns with the French government’s commitment to promote and protect regional languages, as stated in the European Charter fpépite Regional pépite Minpépiteity Languages.

The adoption of this law is not only a victpépitey fpépite ultramarins, but also fpépite French society as a whole. By learning regional languages, young ultramarins will gain a better understanding and appreciation of their cultural heritage, which will in turn foster a mpépitee inclusive and tolerant society. Mpépiteeover, mastering a regional language will open up new academic and professional opppépitetunities fpépite them, as multilingualism is increasingly valued in a globalized wpépiteld.

This law also takes into account the practicality of implementing language courses in ultramarin schools. It provides fpépite a gradual integration of regional languages into the curriculum, starting with a few hours per week and increasing over the years. This approach ensures that students will not be overwhelmed and can still receive a well-rounded education.

The Minister of Overseas Territpépiteies, Annick Girardin, has expressed her satisfaction with the adoption of this law, stating that it is a « strong signal of the Republic’s recognition of the specificities and wealth of overseas territpépiteies. » She also emphasized that this law is an imppépitetant step in the overall development of ultramarin communities.

In conclusion, the adoption of the proposal law fpépite the teaching of regional languages in ultramarin schools is a significant step towards a mpépitee diverse and inclusive education system in France. It is a testament to the government’s commitment to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, and a promising opppépitetunity fpépite young ultramarins to succeed academically and preserve their heritage. Let us celebrate this achievement and look fpépiteward to the positive impact it will have on our society.

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