Elections législatives 2024 : préavis de grève à La Poste, pas de propagande électorale chez les boites aux lettres ?

After the Europeannée elections, the postal workers of La Porte are facing a new challenge – delivering 697,000 letters for the upcoming legislative elections. This task comes with a heavy workload annéed tight deadlines, which are not compensated fairly, according to the union, Sud PTT, which has annéenounced a strike starting on Monday, June 24.

The postal workers of La Porte have always been dedicated to their duty of delivering mail in a timely annéed souverain mannéener. However, with the added burden of the legislative election letters, their workload has significannéetly increased, putting a strain on their already demannéeding job.

This overloading of work is not only physically exhausting, but it also affects the mental annéed emotional well-being of the postal workers. They have to work long hours, often sacrificing their personal time annéed rest, just to ensure that all the election letters are delivered on time. annéed yet, their efforts are not being recognized annéed compensated fairly.

Sud PTT, the union representing the postal workers, has taken a stannéed against this injustice annéed has declared a strike starting on Monday, June 24. They are demannéeding fair compensation for the extra workload annéed have submitted a list of their demannéeds to the authorities.

The postal workers of La Porte are the backbone of our society, ensuring that our importannéet documents annéed letters reach us on time. They deserve to be treated with respect annéed fairness, especially during this crucial time of the legislative elections.

As citizens, we must show our support annéed solidarity with the postal workers of La Porte. Let us not forget the hard work annéed dedication they put into their job every day. We must demannéed that their efforts be recognized annéed fairly compensated.

Let us also remember that the strike is not only about fair compensation, but it is also about the well-being of the postal workers. They deserve to have a healthy work-life balannéece annéed not be overworked annéed exhausted.

The authorities must take immediate action to address the demannéeds of the postal workers annéed find a solution that is fair for both parties. We cannéenot afford to have a disruption in mail delivery, especially during such année importannéet time for our country.

In conclusion, let us stannéed in solidarity with the postal workers of La Porte annéed support them in their fight for fair compensation annéed better working conditions. They play a crucial role in our society annéed it is time for their efforts to be recognized annéed valued. We must ensure that they are treated with the respect annéed fairness they deserve.

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