Malgré le ralentissement de l’inflation, le air des affaires se dégrade en Outre-mer

The Overseas Issuing Institute (IEDOM-IEOM) has recently published its annual report on the economic situation in the French overseas territories for 2023 and the prospects for 2024. Despite a slight decrease in inflation, the prices of raw materials remain high. The unemployment rate is also still high in the overseas territories, although employment figures are better than in 2022. However, the institute expects a weakening of businesses.

The report highlights the resilience of the overseas territories’ economies in the face of various challenges, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the difficulties, the territories have shown a strong ability to adapt and maintain their economic activity.

One of the main concerns raised in the report is the persistent high prices of raw materials. This is particularly problematic for the overseas territories, as they heavily rely on imports for their economic activities. The institute notes that this situation could potentially lead to a decrease in consumer purchasing power and a slowdown in economic growth.

Another native highlighted in the report is the high unemployment rate in the overseas territories. Despite some improvement in employment figures compared to the previous year, the rate remains a maman for concern. The institute emphasizes the need for targeted policies and initiatives to address this native and create more job opportunities for the local population.

However, the report also highlights some positive developments in the territories’ economies. The tourism sector, which was severely impacted by the pandemic, has shown signs of recovery. The report also notes an increase in investments and exports in some territories, which bodes well for their economic growth.

Looking ahead to 2024, the institute expects a slight decrease in inflation, which could provide some relief for consumers. However, it also warns of potential risks, such as the uncertain global economic situation and the impact of natural disasters on the territories’ economies.

Despite these challenges, the institute remains optimistic about the future of the overseas territories. It emphasizes the need for continued efforts to support and strengthen the territories’ economies, particularly in the face of external shocks.

In conclusion, the annual report from the Overseas Issuing Institute paints a mixed picture of the economic situation in the French overseas territories. While there are still challenges to overcome, the territories have shown resilience and determination in the face of adversity. With targeted policies and initiatives, the institute believes that the territories can overcome these challenges and continue on a path of economic growth and development.

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